Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Whimsical Wednesday ~ Summer closes its doors ~

As summer closes its doors, I open mine to welcome fall. Although in Malta
the change is either sudden or subtle, nevertheless I have been longing for cooler days, when the crisp air fills me with that little bit of extra energy that I lacked throughout the hot season. I guess I still feel that back-to-school excitement when I used to long for the feel and smell
of new textbooks, meeting my friends and settling into the everyday routine of a somewhat quieter season. In Malta I miss the magical colours of fall that are such a wonderful part of the Canadian scene I cherished but I still try to bring the autumn colours indoors in a fun and warm way which will provide a feast for the eyes and warmth to our spirit.

Start celebrating fall right now with these heart-warming ideas for decorating your home...

The picture above is from shared files

Decorate with Fruit and nuts
(especially red and yellow apples, bananas and
bright yellow oranges). Place a bowl of fruit on a table, in the hallway, in fact
anywhere where you think they will add colour. Let them be a reminder of
how important fruit is to our diet and within easy reach, you can enjoy them
more often. Add some nuts among the fruit or add another bowl with different
nuts and a nutcracker for a more stylish and functional display.

Add Pumpkins, Squashes and Gourds
Place these randomly in a basket
or container for a splash of orange and brown autumn colours. Replace when
you use some of these in your cooking to keep your arrangement looking fresh.

Wreaths What better way to greet your guests (and yourself when you return
home) than with a seasonal wreath, it does not have to be anything elaborate.
You can use anything from fresh grapevine leaves to dried flowers to twine
around a basic wreath or make your own with potpourri (see link below).
You could also make one using artificial flowers, twigs and colourful autumn ribbons.

Check here for this lovely wreath idea on my sister Sue's Blog.

Click here for more ideas...

I hope you enjoyed my very first Whimsical Wednesday,
I will share some more ideas and thoughts next week.

Take care.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

L**k out for Whimsical Wednesday (starting tomorrow)

I find that I am not posting as much as I'd intended when I first started this blog. Sooo I am going to start something new here and hope to continue as long as I can with this project.
Some of you probably have heard of Wordless Wednesday in which the post is usually a picture with only a few or no words at all, letting the picture say it all. Now for me that is a little impossible, you see I love words and once I start there's no stopping me. I have chosen Wednesday to be the day in which I will post regularly with whatever whim takes my could be a recipe, a quote, a discussion, a poem, an idea shared... AND I am calling it Whimsical Wednesday, so I hope you'll check in every Wednesday to take a l**k : )